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The band can play New Orleans dixieland style while marching anywhere, for example festivals, processions in authentic dresses. It can gather a massive crowd with this cheerful music and make them dance around. This style is quite popular among the younger generation as well. The band can also make its own separate staging, at that time the singing comes to the front. (it does not have that important role during processions)

References without exhaustive: Interational dixieland-wine-gastronomic-veteran vehicle festival, important national festivals and several company events.


Members of the band:


Papa Fleigh

lead vocal, trumpet

(Benkó Dixieland Band, Budapest  Ragtime Band)



Krisztina Bodnár

lead vocal, banjo

(Children's choir of the Hungarian National Radio, Kiss and Roundkicks band)




László Makó

sopran saxophone

(Pege Aladár Quaertet, Takács Tamás Dirty Blues Band)




Péter Tóth

bariton horn

(Besh o Drom, Oldsmobile Dixieland Band)




József Adamecz


(Fábry show, Showder band)





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